Biblical understanding of the church leadership and our attitude towards it
1 Peter 5: 2-3
The main functions of the pastor are leading according to the Word of God, equipping the church with the Word of God, protecting against false teachings and caring for the flock of God.
Correct attitude and understanding to power
1 Peter 2: 13-17
Our life is determined by the fact that it is completely dedicated to Christ, His Word and the interests of His kingdom on earth. Therefore, our attitude to any authorities should be determined by the Word of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1: 13-15
A healthy church is made up of Christlike members.
Biblical Understanding of Church Discipline
Matt. 18: 15-17, 2 Thess. 3: 14-15, 1 Cor. 5
Church discipline is an expression of love for a sinful and unrepentant member of the church. It includes a set of measures of the church on its members who are in sin and do not want to repent, leave the sin and correct the consequences caused by it.
Biblical understanding of the mission of the church.
Genesis 22: 17-18
It is impossible to be a healthy church and a mature member of the church if we only accept the mission of saving people in this world, but do not fulfill the mission entrusted to us by Christ.
Marks of a healthy church - Biblical understanding of salvation
1 John 1:6-7, 2:15, 3:5-1, 3:24, 5:4-5
God acknowledges as his children only those who are saved by Him. One of the many reasons why church nowadays can be unhealthy is because some people have false assurance in their salvation.
Biblical Theology
Colossians 1: 16
Without an understanding of the big picture of the Bible, local church is in danger of stagnation and inability to build its members in the full maturity of Christ.
Biblical Understanding of Church Membership
Acts 2: 41-47
One of the signs of a healthy church is an understanding of the dedication and accountability of church members to each other in life and doctrine. God not only saved us by baptizing us with the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ's sacrifice, but he also baptized us into his body, the church, with the same Spirit.
Hope in God Almighty
Isaiah 40: 22-28
Since God is the Creator and Lord of everything, He has absolute authority and power to rule everything that exists, doing this for His Glory and for the benefit of His children - the Church. 03/24/2020
How to Find Peace in a Troubled World.
Isaiah 8: 22
Christians understand the reasons for suffering and while going through trials, they see the opportunity to glorify God, even if they do not fully understand how this suffering can contribute to their good.
Expositional preaching and it's importance.
2 Timothy 4: 1-2
Expositional preaching is the main mark of a healthy church.